
Gears of war 4 connection
Gears of war 4 connection

gears of war 4 connection gears of war 4 connection

PS - sorry that the post is long winded, just wanted to give people responding all of the info I have to save them requesting it." Sure, the IP can be a billion dollar one, but when you're Rule 34'd is when you've truly arrived as a fictional universe." - Cliff Bleszinski With all of this info in mind where do my problems lie? Any help and advice would be much appreicated (regarding advice, please bear in mind that I am a bit of a noob when it comes to this sort of thing) Using (bandwidth meter) I ran the test 3 times and got the following results

gears of war 4 connection

I decided to check my bandwidth whilst writing this thread and got some worrying results Not too sure what this is telling me, can someone shed some light onto this? this would show your connection speed in the form of a txt document (I think). I looked at a previous thread and the advice given was to type "tracert > c:\test.txt" into command prompt. I chekced my network settings on the dashboard and everything is fine After several attempts I did manage to enter a game but at the end of the round I got the same message. After finding a game and clicking to enter I get the following message "network connection lost". My problem started when I tried to connect to a GOW game via xbox live. It has 3 bars of signal strength (pc upstairs in study 360 downstairs in lounge). My 360 is connected via the Microsoft wireless adaptor. I have a 16mb Bulldog (now pipex) connection I have the following setup - A Netgear RangeMax ADSL2 Wireless Router/Modem (DG834PN).

Gears of war 4 connection